Under Construction
stills from video
HD, 11′00″
‘Under construction’ shows a play with cut-out signs and found objects. The objects are getting staged according to a set of gestures which gets repeated multiple times. It plays with the notion of 2D/3D and perspective. An artificial spotlight is present which could be seen as an artificial sun in the context of creating a new nature/cosmologie. This video contains sound, which takes the form of a spoken text. The text consist out of seven small parts, talking about the play and the rhythm that are present in the video images.
stills from video
HD, 11′00″
‘Under construction’ shows a play with cut-out signs and found objects. The objects are getting staged according to a set of gestures which gets repeated multiple times. It plays with the notion of 2D/3D and perspective. An artificial spotlight is present which could be seen as an artificial sun in the context of creating a new nature/cosmologie. This video contains sound, which takes the form of a spoken text. The text consist out of seven small parts, talking about the play and the rhythm that are present in the video images.